Post by Aerrow [: on May 3, 2008 23:19:17 GMT 1
OOPS lol and i will not care to your wifes bruising i have to tend to my own!!
Post by Jessikat on May 3, 2008 23:20:48 GMT 1
who hired this guy?! mehh, at least he'll be more 'entertaining' than the previous guy
Post by Romana on May 3, 2008 23:21:24 GMT 1
Oh my god! Georg, dude! Our new manager is nuts! -hides in jumper- HELP! *high pitches crazy voice* I'm not crazy.. I'M NOT. JUST ASK MY HORSE, HE LIVES IN MY TOILET. I'M NOT CRAZY!! *has fit* PLEASE DONT TURN ME IN!! I DONT WANT TO EAT RAT POOP. I'll be more normal from now on.. *crosses fingers behind back*
Post by Amiee♥TH on May 3, 2008 23:22:32 GMT 1
Tomi...Since when are you married? Oh I agree.. The previous guy knew nothing of the business... Mind you, I wonder if Jost does? Pitty Gusti aint here to meet him yet.
You have a horse in your TOILEt?!?!?!
Post by Romana on May 3, 2008 23:23:53 GMT 1
So guys, how was the day? By the way, youve got rehearsals tomorrow and your schedule for monday is free so feel free to take a little holiday. And guys? Quit with the bum arguement. Its ridiculas. Only losers fight over bums Anyways, everyone knows its MY bum thats the fittest. Must go - David Jost Mother is screaming to go to sleep - G'Night my boys.
Post by Romana on May 3, 2008 23:25:44 GMT 1
Oh no Aimee *scoffs* Dont be IDIOCYISTY! ROFL. I'm married with a husband, wife, boyfriend and girlfriend. Tom simply has to massage my wifes bum after i spanked her. Hes refusing to though. Oh well. To save a night of pained graons I'll have to throw her off the bed.
Post by Amiee♥TH on May 3, 2008 23:26:30 GMT 1
Free day on Monday? Sounds good! Sleep in til 6pm I say! Might go and see Amiee What you got planned boys? Dream on Jost! Your ass will never beat mine! And wait.. You live with your mother too?! OH MY GOD!
Night dude! See you at rehersals tomorrow!
Post by Aerrow [: on May 3, 2008 23:27:33 GMT 1
BILLA i meant i had to tend to my own bruising silly nugget and omg YOU ALL KNOW THAT MY BUM RULES OVER ALL OF YOURS! yes Jost, that means you too and nigghttt jost
i'll be thinking of you [ LMAOO ]
Post by Amiee♥TH on May 3, 2008 23:28:51 GMT 1
Oh no Aimee *scoffs* Dont be IDIOCYISTY! ROFL. I'm married with a husband, wife, boyfriend and girlfriend. Tom simply has to massage my wifes bum after i spanked her. Hes refusing to though. Oh well. To save a night of pained graons I'll have to throw her off the bed. Dude... I'm BILL! Amiee is my girl... Unlucky Tomi! You are one hyped up manager! Seriously! I've never met anyone more hyped than me!! You even talk as much as me! THAT CAN'T BE RIGHT!
Post by Amiee♥TH on May 3, 2008 23:30:37 GMT 1
BILLA i meant i had to tend to my own bruisingsilly nugget and omg YOU ALL KNOW THAT MY BUM RULES OVER ALL OF YOURS! yes Jost, that means you too and nigghttt jost i'll be thinking of you [ LMAOO ] Tomi...My Bum is the best! You're such a silly lemmon Your own bruising? Do explain bro'..
Post by Aerrow [: on May 3, 2008 23:31:32 GMT 1
he talks more than you are you on something bill? because you really need to get a grip ohh and did you hear? Aerrow and Amiee have been getting grief off this girl over in england. she's been B*tching about them and aerrow said she's just logged in and shes gonna start on her!! HELP!!
and my own bruising you know JOST DID JUST SPANK ME!! geezzee mann get a grip on yourself!
Post by Jessikat on May 3, 2008 23:32:55 GMT 1
oh. jesus..
Post by Romana on May 3, 2008 23:32:57 GMT 1
Before Mother hits me I must walk to my bed ans sleep. But first - Iz it thats you iz saying I iz a Hippo Billa Blud? OH MEEE GUD.
Ciao - now even me dads shouting - ''WILL I HAVE TO DRAG YOU OFF THE FUCKIN COMPUTER? Do you need the toilet?''
Post by Amiee♥TH on May 3, 2008 23:33:48 GMT 1
Nooo! I never heard! I haven't seen Amiee in too long We spoke a couple of days ago, but I'm guessing this is really recent... Why do I need to get a grip? What did I say wrong this time?
Post by Aerrow [: on May 3, 2008 23:36:24 GMT 1
you always seem to muddle shizzle up mann its like OMG read things and then register them first [ rofl ]